

nursing home abuse liability

Nursing home abuse liability: Who is liable for nursing home abuse or neglect?

In South Carolina, the family member of a deceased patient or someone with power of attorney for a current living patient has the right...
how to prove nursing home negligence

How do you prove nursing home negligence?

Your senior parent deserves the best in their golden years, but many nursing homes accidentally neglect patients. Even if no one meant to hurt...
how much does workers comp pay in south carolina

How much does workers’ comp pay in South Carolina?

In South Carolina, injured workers typically receive ⅔ of their pre-tax weekly salary in workers’ comp benefits. This usually works out to workers receiving...
can I get fired for filing workers comp

Can I get fired for filing workers’ comp?

In South Carolina, it is illegal for an employer to fire an employee simply because the employee filed a workers’ compensation claim. If that...
how long do workers comp claims take

How long does a work injury claim take?

As with many things in life, the sooner you get started on your workers’ compensation claim, the sooner it will likely resolve. The length...
what to do after an injury at work

What do I do after being injured at work?

Follow these steps to protect your potential injury claim. If you have any questions, please contact our skilled Greenville workers’ compensation lawyers at (864)...
average settlement for car accident back and neck injury

What’s the average settlement for back and neck injury in a car accident?

Back and neck pain can be debilitating, making it hard for you to go to work and enjoy activities you once loved. If you...
my car insurance lapsed and I had an accident

My car insurance lapsed and I had an accident. What are my options?

Car accidents can cause thousands of dollars in losses. Having insurance can help reduce some of those costs, and it provides you with some...
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