

personal injury liability

How do you prove personal injury liability?

In personal injury law, “liability” means that the person who hurt you is responsible for the financial, emotional, and other losses you experienced due...
how a nursing home abuse lawyer can help

How can a nursing home abuse lawyer help me?

Families are often very reluctant to get involved in the legal system. They don’t want to sue or go to court, but sometimes the...
implied vs expressed consent

Implied vs. expressed consent: What’s the difference?

The difference between express and implied consent is this: patients express consent for treatment through written or sometimes verbal communication. They give implied consent...
nursing home abuse compensation

What kinds of damages are available in nursing home cases?

“Damages” is another word for the losses that your loved one has suffered as a result of their abuse or neglect. Most cases of...
who pays medical bills in a car accident

Who pays medical bills in a car accident?

Car accidents often produce injuries requiring immediate and extensive medical treatment. These costs are both unexpected and expensive. If you are the injured victim,...
how common is nursing home abuse

How common is nursing home abuse?

Nursing home abuse is on the rise in the United States. America has an aging population. According to the National Center on Elder Abuse,...
nursing home abuse injuries

What are some nursing home abuse injuries to watch for?

Understanding the signs and symptoms of nursing home abuse is essential for family members, caregivers, and even residents themselves, as it enables them to...
how are personal injury settlements paid out

How are personal injury settlements paid out?

Receiving a settlement should be fast and easy once it is agreed upon. However, some issues frequently arise. At Smith Jordan Law, we aim...
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