
Another Satisfied Customer

We love to hear this! Check out Charles and Sandra Turner’s story below:

My husband was injured on his job. Two weeks later his boss the owner of the company fired him. He told my husband he couldn’t afford to send him to the dr. It would put his company at risk. When my husband hung up the phone I handed him the phone book and told him to call Grady Jordan. That was in 2008. Grady and everyone at his law firm treated us like decent people. Grady fought for and won my husband’s workers comp case. Then went on to represent and win my husband’s disability. The first time we met with Grady he walked us out, shook my husband’s hand and told him he believed him, that he was hurt on his job. When we left both of us almost cried. We had someone on our side. Grady Jordan is a great human being, he listens to his clients. And he is the best lawyer I have ever met. Thank you Grady. You helped us to be able to live again. Instead of waiting on someone else to decide our future. Bless you and everyone in your firm. Charles and Sandra Turner.

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