Most people these days have some kind of online presence, whether it’s Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, X, or BlueSky. We use these platforms to stay in touch with friends and family, but doing so can cause big problems if you suffer a work-related injury and vent about it on social media. Workers’ compensation insurers may scour your posts for anything that might discredit or limit your benefits claim.
A Greenville workers’ compensation lawyer from Smith Jordan Law is here to answer the question of, “Can my social media be used against me in a workers’ comp claim?”
Do’s and don’ts after a workers’ comp injury
What to do
A basic part of workers’ compensation 101 after you are hurt at work is to get medical attention immediately. You may only require first aid and some bandaging, but it’s vital to take care of your health first. If you need emergency care, get to a doctor or hospital.
After that, you should immediately report your injury to your employer, ensuring you tell a supervisor or manager, not just another employee. If you can’t do it right away, you must notify your company within 90 days, according to the South Carolina Workers’ Compensation Commission.
What not to do
Workers’ comp and social media are a bad combination for your claim. Avoid going on your favorite social media site and posting anything about your accident, and we mean anything. While it’s natural to want to let people know you’ve been hurt, you are better off holding back since the workers’ comp insurance company watches for fraudulent claims.
You also shouldn’t post comments on articles or other people’s pages about workers’ comp claims. Your best approach is to stay offline and work with a skilled Greenville worker’s compensation attorney, who can help you further determine the best way to manage your benefits claim. Along with staying quiet online, ask your friends and family to do the same.
Finally, one of the most important Don’ts is don’t delete old posts! If it relates to your worker’s comp claim in any way, this could actually be seen as destruction of evidence. Again, it’s important to work with a skilled attorney who can answer your questions to avoid mistakes.
To summarize:
- Don’t post anything about your accident
- Don’t post comments on articles or other people’s pages about workers’ comp claims
- Don’t delete old posts
Can my workers’ comp insurance really use my online posts against me?
Yes, they can, and they will. Their primary job is to pay only what is necessary. They will investigate you, including hiring a “private eye” to ensure that you aren’t getting more benefits than your injury needs.
For example, suppose you hurt your back at work and are out for six weeks to recover. You visit your doctor and follow their orders, but it’s almost the holidays, and those Christmas lights won’t put themselves up. You don’t plan to do it all by yourself, but if someone (even you) posts a picture online of you helping, the insurer might claim you aren’t really hurt.
It might seem innocent, but one photo or comment could ruin your claim. Instead, stick to sharing photos and stories in person and following your doctor’s orders to the letter.
Get help with your workers’ comp claim for the best outcome
Don’t take risks that could leave you without the disability and income benefits you need after you’ve been in a workers’ comp accident. At Smith Jordan Law, you always work with a real lawyer who keeps you updated so you don’t wonder what’s going on with your case. Learn more during a free consultation with a Greenville workers’s comp lawyer when you contact us online or call (864) 343-2222 today.